

Observations of .Net development in the wild

Generic fun

Generics are really cool…
bummer – i thought i might have one of those "You’re our lucky 1,000,000th person who said that winner!" banner descend from Javascript heaven.
Anyway I had a hard time using them vs. code-generation of collection classes since code gen had the advantage of non-generic _names_. But I just found out we can do this:

public sealed class Role


    private string _roleName;

    public string RoleName


        get { return _roleName; }




public sealed class RolesCollection : List<Role>


   public Role this[string roleName]




          foreach( Role r in this )

              if( r.RoleName == roleName ) return r;

          return null;





Now I can have my cake and eat it too. Yum.



Filed under: .Net Basics