

Observations of .Net development in the wild

Patterns in data and algorithms

I was looking for things related to me on the web because I don’t always remember my threads and thoughts – one of the motivators for this blog. I (re)discovered a great Java applet which I spent _way_ too much time playing around with – the Prisoner’s Dilemma Applet by Serge Helfrich. As you can see – he mentioned that I found some very interesting and fun patterns… patterns which required a search in the trillionths to discover. Did I mention I spent way too much time on playing with it? I suppose, thanks to a brush with numercial analysis, that there is some rounding or other accumulation of error which goes on to produce edge results in the evaluation algorithm. Who knows – I didn’t look at the source (is it available?), so I don’t know if there is actual error or if the computations fall within the finite-state boundaries of double-precision floating points and it is purely an artifact of the algorithm. Feel free to set me straight in the comment section below. Also, I hope the reasons I play with these things become more evident as time goes on.

Filed under: Advanced Algorithms