

Observations of .Net development in the wild

Another Connect Issue to Vote On!

There is a missing constant in the .Net framework. You are supposed to know that MouseEventArgs.Delta is expressed in increments of the constant WHEEL_DELTA, which is defined in WinUser.h. Sure, the MSDN docs have this value, but are we really supposed to hard code it when this statement also exists in the docs for the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message:

The delta was set to 120 to allow Microsoft or other vendors to build finer-resolution wheels in the future, including perhaps a freely-rotating wheel with no notches.

I suggested that the value be made available in the .Net framework (without having to write a C++/CLI class to compile in the value).

You can too… vote here:

Filed under: .Net Basics

CodePlex Weblog : Announcing the CodePlex Source Control Client

CodePlex listened to the community and provided a client with edit/merge/commit workflow and anonymous check-out/update much beloved of Subversion.

 CodePlex Weblog : Announcing the CodePlex Source Control Client

I’ve yet to see how much like Subversion it is, but it seems to be a step in the right direction. Especially notable given that TFS is rooted firmly in the check-out/edit/check-in mentality.

Filed under: Tools