

Observations of .Net development in the wild

When QueryInterface for interface DTS.CustomTask fails

When creating a DTS application with .Net, you will have problems if you don’t run SP3 on your client machine.

QueryInterface for interface DTS.CustomTask failed

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When developing a custom task or just manipulating the DTS objects through .Net you may recive the following error:

QueryInterface for interface DTS.CustomTask failed

This error has been fixed in SQL Server 200 Service Pack 2. Make sure you apply the service pack to the SQL Server machine, and any client machines that will be running the .Net code, since DTS is a client side tool.


Installing SP3 to fix the type casting worked. I have it in my head that SQL service packs are for the server, and forget about the client components… I feel that perhaps I’m not the only one.

Filed under: Getting Data

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