

Observations of .Net development in the wild

VSTO for Mere Mortals Quote

My quote got on a book I reveiewed for Addison Wesley: VSTO for Mere Mortals.

I actually meant it too – it’s a good book. Great for the Word and Excel macro-heads who want to dive into more power – power that the CLR and .Net languages give.

I used to disdain departmental power users who took up the code shovel and started digging… but now I’m rather encouraged by it. I think these kind of inroads could indicate paths of least resistance as an organization evolves. Not, probably, what corporate IT wants to embrace. I think the CLR, with Code Access Security, type safety, hostable runtime, adaptable client-side / server-side story, peerless toolset, access to legacy code assets has the lead here.

Filed under: Uncategorized

2 Responses

  1. Unknown says:

    Great! Now, when is your book coming out?

  2. Rory says:

    What should I write about? And, didn’t you consider writing one once?

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